If you want to make a puppet:
Classroom Behavior Management Information
Good behavior is a must in an engaging classroom. Standards are high at Rosewood Magnet School. In our classroom, children will learn the value of a safe, caring, family environment and practice making smart choices. Our class rules will guide us to make good choices as a class and individuals.
Classroom Rules:
We do this to: J
Keep our Dear Teacher Happy!
Because when I am teaching and surrounded by happy, working children, I am very HAPPY!
Each morning, part of our routine will be to go over each rule so they are always fresh in the student's minds. Each rule not only has a number associated with it but also an action (gesture) so I can remind the children of certain rules by silently holding up a number of fingers or gesturing. Our goal is to always focus on instruction and minimize disruptions. We will practice our rules and steps to achieve them over and over again for many, many days. Practice makes permanent!
At the end of each day your child will share their progress in our behavior folder. This is also our opportunity for communication between home and school. Please take a few minutes each night to go through your child's backpack and folder. If a rule was repeatedly broken and they need more practice it will be indicated on the appropriate day.
**If you have any questions about this system, please call my classroom number 564-3853 and leave a message or e-mail me at luannelewis@indianriverschools.org
Our Daily Schedule
Mrs. Lewis' Class
8:55am – Tardy Bell
Getting Organized
Bell Work
Calendar (part of math curriculum)
Calendar Data Folder
(relates to Language arts, math, or Core Knowledge)
Show and Explain
Phonics Lesson (quick whole group lesson focused on a certain letter and skill)
Language Arts Block
(all areas are addressed but may vary in order according to skills, focus, or timing)
Harcourt Reading Curriculum
Phonemic Awareness Activity (example: Rhyming)
Shared Literature (example: Reading story together)
Literature Focus (example: Main Idea)
Vocabulary (example: words or ideas from literature)
Handwriting Lesson
Shared Writing (based on story or skill we are studying, example: Action Words)
Literacy and Learning Centers are a variety of centers around the room with open-ended activities or discovery based learning opportunities. Most of the time tasks are process oriented not product oriented. They are language arts activities but I do include core knowledge learning centers as well, because often the activity requires more than one subject area. I also meet with small guided reading groups to develop pre-reading and reading strategies.
RTI and Small Groups- Focuses on specific skills in small group setting during center time.
11:04am - 11:34am Lunch
11:35pm-12:35pm Math Block
Daily Review
Problem of the Day
Develop the Concept
Guided Practice
Quick Check
12:35pm- 1:05pm SPA – Structured Physical Activity and Recess
1:05pm-1:50pm Cultural Arts
M:PE T: Media W: Art Th: Music F: 1. PE 2. Media 3. Art 4. Music
1:55pm-2:50pm Core Knowledge and Snack
2:50pm-3:10pm Rest (I also take this time to do individual assessments).
3:10pm –3:20pm Daily Review
3:20pm Dismissal
We go to the Computer Lab once a week time and day TBA
Personalize your own slideshow design |
You will be getting a copy of this at Orientation.
of Kindergarten
A Handbook for Mrs. Lewis' Class
Absence- Please send a note the day your child returns explaining their absence. If they will be out more than one day please call me in the classroom. 564-3853
Attendance- Please attend school everyday!
Arrival and Dismissal- Students should arrive by 8:40 and wait outside the classroom door each morning. Dismissal is at 3:20 from the benches in front of the cafeteria at the front of the school.
Backpacks- Your child needs to bring their backpack to school everyday.
Behavior Plan- I use the management techniques from Dr. Becky Bailey 'Conscious Discipline' and Chris Biffle 'Whole Brain Teaching'. I keep a "How was your Day?" chart to track behavior. If a child breaks a rule after a warning or redirection they will put a picture card of the rule they broke in their spot on the chart. When they have shown improvement in their behavior and practiced following the rule they will have the opportunity to place a purple card in their spot on the chart to show that they are learning that rule. If a child continues to break that rule it will be marked in their behavior folder and sent home for you to sign and return.
Birthdays- You are welcome to bring a special snack! We will celebrate summer birthdays on their half birthday during the school year.
Behavior Folders- These are behavior folders used to report concerns to you. Please sign and return the folder everyday.
Breakfast- School breakfast is $1.00 in the cafeteria.
Calendar- There is a copy of the school calendar on the inside cover of the green and white folder your received at orientation.
Computers- We have five classroom computers and we will use the school computer lab once a week.
Conference- There are two scheduled parent/teacher conference times during the school year. I will be happy to meet with you anytime to talk about your child. Please call or write a note to set up a meeting.
Discipline- You have already received a copy of my classroom management plan.
E-mail – you can contact me by e-mail at school at this address:
Emergency Information- Please remember that if anything changes with your emergency information during the school year to please contact me.
Field Trips- I will be sending home a letter about trips soon! We are planning 3 trips this year. You will have the opportunity to go on 1 field trip per parent.
Geography- The Core Knowledge curriculum is very heavy in geography. In kindergarten we learn about the 7 continents. It would be very helpful to have a children's atlas and a globe at home!
Health- Please let me know of any special circumstances which may affect your child. These could include medications that make him/her sleepy, a death in the family, etc. Also please let me know of any allergies that your child may have.
Help at Home- Your child will be expected to know these:
Full Name
Phone Number
Birth date
Printing First and Last Name (by the end of the year)
Homework- Homework will be sent home at the beginning of each month. Homework is usually NOT returned. Please check and keep up with the homework calendar each night.
Illness- The question of when to keep your child home from school is often a difficult one, especially when decisions must be made first thing in the morning. It is important to keep your child home if he/she is ill.
Journals- We will be keeping writing and math journals at school. I will be sharing them with you each 9 weeks.
Kindness- Students in our classroom are expected to treat all members of our class as well as others with kindness and respect.
Library- We will visit the library once a week. Starting after winter break students will be checking out books to bring home.
Lunch- Lunch can be brought from home or bought at school. Money can be put into an account through the internet, phone, or by visiting the cafeteria. Lunch is $1.50 and there are snacks available for $.50. Please send lunch or snack money to school in a baggie or envelope with your child's name written on it.
You are welcome to come and eat lunch with your child, but we ask that you wait 6 weeks before doing so. We have found that during these first few weeks it can cause emotional stress on the child, even those transitioning well, if you come at lunch and they find out they are not going home with you.
Money- Please be sure to send money (lunch, snack, field trip etc.) to school in an envelope or baggie labeled with the child's name and the purpose of the money. Please put it in their behavior folder, not loose in the backpack or in a pocket.
Music- Our music teacher, Mrs. JoAnn Palmer, will be teaching the children the basics of music education and will be sharing many wonderful songs. We have music for one 45 minute period weekly.
Newsletter- I will be sending home a weekly newsletter on Thursday. Please read the newsletter very carefully as it will have important school and classroom information!
Nurse- We have a health assistant in the clinic in the office. She will tend to minor scratches and scrapes, as well as sudden illness. She is not allowed to give medication unless there has been a form filled out by you and you have a prescription. Please check with her for details. For more serious injuries she will contact you.
Parent Involvement- Parent involvement is part of our Magnet School Plan. I am always looking for help during the day and I am happy to send things home for parents that are unable to come to Rosewood during the school day.
Parties- We will have a winter celebration and an end of the year party. Other holidays and events will be recognized with a special activity or craft.
Questions- Please free to call me between 8:00-8:40 or between 3:30- 4:00 or leave a message on my voice mail during the school day if you have any questions.
Recess- We will have a 30 minute recess depending on the heat 4 days a week.
Report Cards- Report cards are issued every nine weeks. These report cards reflect the progress your child has made toward various kindergarten objectives and uses a grading system that reflects the developmental nature of kindergarten learning.
Restrooms- We have our own restroom. Students can use it as needed.
Schedules- Please refer to the schedule found in this folder.
Show and Explain- We will have "show and tell" starting in September. I will give you information at open house.
Snack- We have snack around 2:00 everyday. You will be assigned one day each month to provide snack for the class. Due to allergies, please try to provide snacks WITHOUT dairy and nuts. Please do not bring juice or candy. Small bottles of water are great along with healthy snacks!
Toys- Please keep all toys at home unless they are part of your child's show and explain topic. Your child may bring a beanie sized stuffed animal to sleep with during nap time.
Thursday Folders- I will be sending home my newsletter, school work, and other information every Thursday. Please take out the information and return the folder on Friday. I need help stuffing Thursday Folders! If you are available 1:05-1:50 (while the students are in specials) to come and help me stuff, please let me know!
Uniform- All students are required to wear a uniform. School tee shirts can be worn on Friday with jeans. If you have any questions about what is acceptable, please feel free to bring in the item of clothing and ask.
Visitors- ALL guests MUST sign in at the office and get a visitors pass. Please do not come to eat lunch with your child or pick them up from our classroom without going through the office first.
Volunteer Hours- All families must complete 10 hours of service a year. Please look for volunteer opportunities in the weekly Thursday newsletter and by visiting http://www.volunteerspot.com/login/entry/202345632184568044 to sign up to volunteer.
Wish List- Throughout the year I will be posting items that our classroom needs on a wish list outside the door. If you can donate please take the post it and send in the item.
Web Site- I have a web site about our classroom and teaching. Please visit it for more information about our class. http://putyourwholeselfin.blogspot.com/
ZZZZ- Please be sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night!
In the yellow folder you received at Orientation there was a copy of this snack calendar with your child's assigned number. Numbers 1-18 are assigned based on ABC order. Please find your child's number UNDER the calendar day number to see which days you are assigned snack. Please provided enough snack for 18 children. If your snack requires cups, plates, forks, or spoons please provide them as well. Thank You!
We have 18 children. If your snack requires utensils or plates, please send those as well. To find your snack day look for your childs number underneath the calendar date. |
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