For the last two weeks our unit in reading has been about the FARM. We have read several books about farms, our favorite has been Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm. We read and acted out this story many times! Here is a peak at some of the activities that we did over the last two weeks!
We talked about APOSTROPHE S and what it does! We made our own farms adding an 's to our name. Then we cut out pictures of animals we would have on our farm.

We reviewed short i and read short i CVC words. We sorted words by short i and glued them on this worksheet. I got it
We sequenced the order of animals getting a scrub and colored by number.
I added a farm, farm books, and a farm puzzle to dramatic play.
Read Barnyard Banter and retold the story in Flannel Board Center.

Put together high frequency words and matched Mrs. Wishy Washy to the correct tub.
Built words from Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm using letter tiles.