
Sunday, September 19, 2010

W is for Weekend!

There is something special about calendar time on Friday mornings. I always tell my students that Friday is my favorite day of the week because it means the weekend is just around the corner. We talk about Saturday and Sunday and they always ask me if I will see them on the weekend. I say no, but that isn't really true this year. One of my students is also my neighbor so I might see him -especially since my daughter Amelia would love to be adopted into this great family of THREE boys! Another student is in the same Saturday morning gymnastics class as Amelia (it is a 3-5 class), and another student and I attend the same church. I love to see my students off campus. They are often shy and speechless at first. I know they must be surprised that I actually leave the classroom (quite honestly, I do usually spend a good chunk of time there on the weekend). I love being with my family on the weekend and recharging for the coming week. They always seem to go so fast! I don't dread Monday but as I sit here looking at the pile of school work I thought I'd have time to squeeze in.. I wish it was Friday night and I had the next two days off... But, I can't wait to hear about the adventures my 18 sprouts had over the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. We welcome your little sprout for a visit anytime. We wanted to take her on a leaf hunt yesterday. We filled up bags with different shape and color leaves and pressed them between wax paper.
