
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Adventures in Kindergarten This Week

What a Busy Week! Things I want to remember... and things I'll never forget!

-E sharing her dog rescue story and the awe and admiration her friends showed her as she told the story.

-M recalling the day a blue bead mysteriously got stuck in her nose and the heroic efforts of our school nurse.. she told the story as if it happened year ago- when it was actually last month!

-J proudly showing off his 2nd missing tooth of the year!

-L enthusiastically shouting "forever green!" when reviewing which trees stay green all year.

- T telling me all about his favorite place (Disney World) while we conferenced during writing workshop.

-D smiling and confident while reading back his writing to me.

-G and H telling me about their star wars sharing plan.. just in case they ever have a play date at each other house.

-B telling me that I looked pretty when I smiled for my school picture.

-A clutching her visual schedule during pumpkin day and letting it go easily when I pointed out we are not following the normal routine today.

-L's new baby brother!

-J's amazing progress over the last year.

-H inviting me to his football practice.

-A's blue nose from smelling the blueberry scented ink.

-R sad because her mom had to work on Pumpkin Day and A comforting her.

-Z helping D when he was anxious about seat work

-Watching B clutch his shell as he works and plays.

-G showing me his handsome school picture smile

-B convinced that I live at school after discovering my mini fridge

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