We had a wonderful morning! The chorus sang, the SLP read a Hanukkah story, teachers and students acted and sang, played instruments, and we all sang along to the 12 days of a Florida Christmas and other fun carols. I am so lucky to work a such an amazing school with faculty and staff that can let go and have fun! This annual tradition is a wonderful way to make memories. I am lucky that I can witness my kindys first time seeing this celebration. The rest of the day was just as fun. We sang songs and made crafts - I opened thoughtful presents from my students and we had a yummy snack. I came home worn out and my cheeks hurt from smiling! Now the weekend is over and I am feeling great! I don't have to make lunches, lay out clothes, set the alarm, check over lessons plans, make lists... this is the best feeling on a Sunday night! I have a few drafts of posts waiting to go over the break so keep checking back for updates! Off to enjoy my family.
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