I am very lucky to teach at an older elementary school with beautiful Oak trees. I am sure many of my parents have found acorns in their dryer- they are a popular collection among my students. During Core Knowledge I introduced the saying, "Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow". It fits so nicely into our fall/plants unit. I was happily surprised that many of my students understood this saying right away. I read Dot and Jabber and the Great Acorn Mystery. This book explains how an acorn can travel and get planted. I also read The Tiny Seed. This book illustrates this saying by showing the tiniest seed growing into the biggest flower. It also shows seed migration. The students got to go outside and pick out an acorn from the courtyard and illustrate our new saying.
Hi just found your site and I love it!! I recently applied for a Kinder position at a Core Knowledge School! Do you have any interviewing advice? Or any other advice about teaching with Core Knowledge? FYI I am a first year teacher.