
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Three Little Pigs

Here are some of the books we read and activities we did during our study of Europe and Fairy Tales.

These books are great! I LOVE The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs by A. Wolf. It gave me a great opportunity to explain the phrase "two sides to every story". After reading it we all felt a little sympathetic for that wolf.
We enjoyed reading the books with friends.

Story Sequencing

Story Map

Puppet Show!

Sequencing the story with stamps

Writing new vocabulary words
Retelling the story using the flannel board.

Illustrated and filled in the missing words to our own Three Little Pigs book.

Made houses out of straw (drinking straws), sticks (coffee stirrers), and bricks (paper squares).


  1. Where did you get your sequencing little stories set? I LOVE them and have to get a set!


  2. The Gingerbread Man I get here-
    The others I was lucky to be gifted by another teacher, they say Frank Schaffer Publications, Inc FS-8594 Fairy Tale Sequencing.

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